Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Year of Growing

Today has been a day of reflection for me. I can truly look back over the past year and see tremendous growth in every aspect of my life. Somehow the birth of Emenike bonded our family in a unimaginable way. As the only biological child of my wife and I, he seems to belong not only to us, but to his two adopted sisters. Emenike is the spiritual glue of my family. His presence has created a peace inside me that allows me to "take things easy," which is the definition of his name.

Taking things easy has allowed me to continue to move forward in my own spiritual, mental, and physical recovery from compulsive overeating. Starting to learn about letting go of things out of my control has made me more useful to all other people that I encounter. The Spirits guide in all aspects of my life when I make myself available to their knowledge. Today I'm thinking with my recovery voice, and that feels amazing.

Amazing also best describes the growth that is happened in my marriage over the past 12 months. Everyday Katie's and my relationship grows more nourishing. Through the function and the dysfunction this woman and I are committed to make one another and ourselves better people. The Spirits have placed me in an environment of love and recovery; I continue to be thankful and careful with this gift.

My Monkeys keep my on my toes. They provide me lessons on life, love, responsibility and trust daily. Genevieve, Tanea, & Emenike have changed me forever. They have taught me how to "soak up the sun." I am humbled to be their father.

Life is good, if you live it,

1 comment:

Chubby Chick said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I really appreciate it... and I will be checking in on your progress, too!

I see that you've already lost 78 pounds. That is GREAT! What an awesome accomplishment! Whatever you are doing is working... so keep it up! :)