Friday, June 12, 2009

An Unrandom Journal Entry - Friday Night 12 June 09

The boundaries around me are limitless. However, I understand the importance of them today. Just yesterday I had the opportunity to cross some lines that I don't need to be crossing, the next thing I know I'm getting a phone call. The phone call reminded me of a task I had previously committed to. After the task was completed I returned to my house. As I lay on my couch in dismay over the poor free throw shooting of Dwight Howard in the NBA Finals, I thought to myself, "damn it feels good to be a home." Home is my safest place. The boundary of my house includes the love of my wife and children. With my family is the most important place for me to be. The love inside my house makes the rest of my life possible. Perhaps there are times when I get bored within that boundary, but it is up to me to look for safe excitement in other places. I can't just go gallavanting off without thinking.
I'm starting to get it, but I'm still not sure if it will work. Some of the things we can think are keeping us alive could be killing our spirit. What do we do if we don't know how to analyze the effects of influences inside our lives. Abstaining from those things can give us more clarity because it allows us to remove ourselves from the influence of our own thinking. All this mind chatter can be a huge pain, I just want to live the right way. If that means I have to let everything I think I want go, then I will do that. There is too much at steak(lol) for me to play foolish games.

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