Thursday, September 18, 2008


I am at school today, and I really want to leave bad. I feel like I don't belong here. I feel so uneasy with everything around me. What is next? I don't have the answers. I'm suppose to put my faith in a higher power at this point....I think. I'm lost or at least I think I am. School is really mentally painful. It consumes a lot of time, and I'm not giving school an appropriate amount of my time. So all that turmoil really stresses me out. I keep feeling this way, and I keep waiting for these feelings to run their course. Running from school is not an option for me. I wonder why I always want to run from responsibilities that only I feel connected to. I don't feel school is connected to me at all. Maybe I can change that part. When I'm here I don't look forward to anything except 3:45p when I leave. I need to find something in this university that matters to me, otherwise, I won't be able to continue. Spirits save me I feel like I'm about to crash into something I can't even see. I need clarity.

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